Wednesday, September 12, 2018

The Universe is Playful...My Playground

Dear Anonymous Reader,

Yesterday I met my 30 year old cousin, named Marcus, for the first time. His family lives in Minnesota. The short story on that is my dad's dad had another family and they moved to Minnesota in the 70s and 20 years ago my mom started getting into genealogy and found my dad had a half sister and half brother in the Midwest. My aunt's name is Heidi and she is adorable and amazing. Her two sons are Alex and Marcus. I've met Heidi before, but never her sons. She flew out the other day to spend some time with Marcus and since he lives in CA, for now, they drove up to Auburn to see us. It was so awesome!

I was told Marcus might have been a little nervous to meet us because you never know with family! LOL! As soon as he stepped out of the car it was all big hugs and lots of talking, laughing, eating and genuine conversation. I loved every minute of meeting my new cousin and from what he said later, he loved meeting us too.

This morning Marcus showed me this YouTube video by Alan Watts about how the Universe is Playful. The video is just a few minutes and I really enjoyed hearing this new perspective about time and people and what we're "supposed" to be doing while we're here. We're in a gorgeous musical composition and some of us are missing the music.

SIDE NOTE about Marcus - He is like the sweetest soul you ever could meet. He looks like a cross between a hippy/yogi and an organic farmer, but I don't think he's any of those things. His energy is so positive and he has a smile that lights up the day! We all talked about energy and healing and the power of the body, meditation, and so much more. He has beautiful tats, has lived a very interesting life popping around the world, and is more centered than anyone I interact with in my daily life. It's been a pleasure to meet him.

So the video...the Universe is Playful...

YES! It is, right!?!? When I thought of "playful" I though of "playground". Two different meanings of course, but playfulness and playground synced with me once I sat down to write this.

Same as when one was on a playground as a child; time doesn't really exit, there are so many friends and activities around, energy is boundless, you might fall and get scratched, but you get back up again, there is so much joy around every corner, games, swings, laughter, screaming, and adventure. We all made friends on the playground. We all got hurt on the playground. We all threw caution to the wind to live in the moment. That's really the take away for me from the video...

LIVE IN THE MOMENT. The Universe has no beginning or end and I am energy moving through it. I want to be loving energy moving through the Universe, through life, through this playground that is reality! "Reality" isn't all about bills and least not my reality. My reality is about feeling love and feeling the music in the people I meet and the experiences I have.

What's your reality A.R.? What are you doing on your playground? How are you going to listen to the playful music of the Universe today?


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