Sunday, September 30, 2018

Playtime is Over

Dear Anonymous Reader,

Well, today is the final day of the 30 Day Blog Challenge. There were times when it was hard to come up with something to write about, and times when I couldn't wait to put fingers to keyboard.

Today I have nothing to write. LOL.

So, I'll just say thank you to all the writers who participated in the challenge.

Now, I'm off to the pool for some playtime in the water.

Bye A.R.!

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Playing Hooky While Unemployed?

Dear Anonymous Reader,

Is it even possible to play hooky when I don't have a job? Even though I haven't had a 9-5 for four months my days have been scheduled and full most of the time. Today I woke up, nothing on the calendar, and thought about what playing hooky would look like for me.

Turns out it looked like driving the backroads of HWY 49 to Apple Hill for an apple donut, some apple wine, and perusing the arts and crafts isles. It was a beautiful day today. After my leisurely time in beautiful Apple Hill I drove to Folsom and walked around the outlet mall for a bit. I even went into the Coach store...a place I have no business being in after my shoe splurge yesterday! LOL! I'm not even a fancy label kinda gal.

 Then I came home, meditated, watched an episode of "Ghost Whisperer" and made dinner. It was very relaxing. And did feel a little like playing hooky.

So, what are you doing on your hooky day, A.R.?

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Play Money

Dear Anonymous Reader,

Today I pretended I lived my life in a Monopoly game with oodles of play money to blow. I blew it on SHOES! It started out innocently enough...just a quick trip to the Gap for a sweater for my brother in law's birthday next month. Okay, then on to the Baby Gap for a congrats gift for my friend who is having a baby on Friday. Okay, then to Avenue because I have to use up a gift card...then, oh, my sister (and guiding light in shopping and style - of which she has and I do not) looks at my shoes and says, "oh my god, we need to get you new shoes"!

We started and ended at DSW. I buy shoes about once every few years. I am not a fan of shopping. I also like tennis shoes because they are comfy, but not very cute. I needed some non-tennis shoes comfortable enough for errands. I'm not a heels kind of girl.

Long story short, I started with one pair of cute flats and then found myself saying things like, "yea, I need those too; oh those ones for sure; yup, those too, they're so cute; I need some in black, in tan, for skirts"! I had become a shoe monster!

I spent...gulp...over $300!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's like totally unheard of for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I bough EIGHT PAIRS OF SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My sister piled them high on top of the covered baby stroller while the little angel was fast asleep inside.! I had the cash though. I budgeted for some play money/blow money during this month and apparently decided to spend it all on shoes. LOL

"Have a great night, A.R.!", says my feet in stylin' shoes.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Playboy - Taboo

Dear Anonymous Reader,

Where does one even purchase a Playboy magazine anymore? Sketchy liquor stores, sex shops, back alleys, or online???....Nope...they had one at Barnes and Noble. :-) In the MENS section. There was no Playgirl in the WOMENS section. I wasn't sure if their is even a Playgirl so I looked it up, and yes, there was and there is.

So I bought the magazine. I decided to research a bit about the brand and actually read the literature to see if what I thought would be in the magazine actually was. I thought all the pictures would be crude and all the stories and interviews and ads would be all about sex. It really wasn't all about that.

To be honest, the pictures are almost identical to anything you'd see in Vogue or Victoria Secret pictures. Maybe a little more butt cheek and areola/nipple exposure, but it wasn't vulgar. Maybe I didn't think it was very stimulating because I'm not excited by female anatomy. Men probably think differently.

As far as the content goes...there are a lot of ads for men's watches, shoes and suits. There are a few stories and way more political articles than I expected. None of the contents had much to do about sex or porn or objectifying women. It was mostly on the "up and up" as far as magazines go. I get why is was in Barnes and Noble. I'm sure there are other magazines out there that take things over the top, but Playboy isn't one of them, in my opinion.

I found this article that would better describe the magazine's history than I could.

All in all, while I appreciate the variety this country allows for the printed press I don't think Playboy will be my magazine of choice. Then again, I'm not one for magazines anyway. Okay...I do get the People magazine after an awards show because I like seeing the pretty dresses. :-)

SIDE NOTE: I do think it would be fun to live the life of a Playboy Bunny for a weekend party.

Happy reading A.R.,

Friday, September 21, 2018

Tonight's Playbill: "You Can't Take It With You"

Dear Anonymous Reader,

At the beginning of the month I purchased two tickets for the play, "You Can't Take It With You". It is being performed in the little town of Nevada City at the Nevada Theatre. I haven't been to Nevada City in in years and it's only 40 minutes from my house. I think it's so odd (yet totally normal) that we don't go to great places so near our homes. In the past 2 years I can practically list all the typical stores I go to...maybe 50 in all. It's time for me to venture more on the weekends! CA is wonderful for day trips to a new scene. Almost anything you want is only 4 hours away, at the most.

Okay, so the play! It was so much fun! I treated one of my girlfriends to the play and we went to dinner beforehand for some Chinese food. It's been a while since I've had that! So yummy. My friend was so sweet and treated me to dinner.

"You Can't Take It With You" is a drama about enjoying life, enjoying the work we do every day to make a living and to be happy and stress-free. Stressful jobs we don't enjoy, but make us a lot of money, are not worth it in the long run because we live a life of unhappiness and ultimately, when you can't take it with you. The "it" being the cars, money, house, etc. I'd venture to say you may not even take one's memories to the other side. Who knows. All we can do is live a life of joy and love every day and as much of it as possible. Be with people and do the things that bring a smile to our faces.

One stuffy, old man who worked on Wall Street (who had an ulcer and was uptight all the time) made an argument that yes, it sounds nice to quit our jobs and do the things we like, but what if everyone did that?? Who would run Wall Street? The response was that there ARE people who do actually LIKE the Wall Street stuff! Those people don't get ulcers because they like what they do. There is always someone out there who likes the things others don't.

This theme goes back to my other post, funny enough. This play IS MY LIFE RIGHT NOW! It's crazy. I was working every day, unhappy, anxious, sore back and neck and lethargic. The second I put my two week's notice in all that disappeared. I am now on the path of looking for the career that makes me happy and a full life that brings me joy! Going to plays and dinner with my friends is one of those things and I'm so grateful for it. I'm so grateful for this life. :-)

Get out there and support your local theatre, A.R.!

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

"Just Play with My Hair", she said.

Dear Anonymous Reader,

Let's talk about playing with hair. Twirling, braiding, stroking, what is it about hair? Head hair, that is. If I had a boyfriend who was all about petting my leg hair, that'd be weird. LOL.

1. If you haven't seen "The Count of Monte Cristo", with Jim Caviezel, yet, download immediately. It's awesome. There is love, adventure, pirates, money, betrayal and capture. Okay, so after Jim becomes the Count there is a scene at a dinner party when he gives a great speech then is casually chatting with someone and twirling this little lock of hair. It is so SEXY! Usually men have short, non-twirling kind of hair, but that scene makes me say a little prayer to the Dating Gods that I get together with a man who has a little head hair to twirl and tug.

2. French braids...sooo hard!!! Then that fishbone braid thing, or double French braids, sooo hard! But how many of us girls know how to do it, have spent hours and hours of sleepovers all braiding hair and who will totally teach our little girls one day? All of us. It's like a past time of being in the Girls Club.

3. Note to all men - Women, almost every single woman I have ever met, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE having their hair played with. It could be hanging around the TV together, cuddling at night before bed, or part of the playful banter of pre-coitus. Know this. Do this. It's one easy way to please, sooth and comfort your lady. Not when her hair is all done up and ready to go out of course. Don't knot or mess up her hair too much or she'll go from cooing to snarling pretty fast. Haha.

4. Personally, at the end of a long day, if I am in a relationship, and my man asks me how he can help me let go of the day, most often it will be, "Could you just sit with me on the couch and play with my hair for a few minutes?" That's all it takes to reset. Someone to just hang out and play with my hair.

Knots=bad; twirling=good, A.R.!

Monday, September 17, 2018

Child's Play

Dear Anonymous Reader,

I am an Auntie to a 5 1/2 month old baby girl. She is the most adorable child on the planet! M is the first baby in my immediate family and we are all just beside ourselves with joy whenever she's in the room. I mean, I've been around babies and my friend's babies, continuously, for the past 10 years, but for some reason M's crying is closer to cute than annoying. Her dirty diapers are no big deal (even when they are total blowouts), and her smile when she recognizes my face literally makes my heart swell up and skip a little beat. I can't imagine how her mom, my sister, feels. It's incredible.

Yesterday, my sister sent a video to the fam of M in her first playtime with her dad. They were laying on their bed, on their tummies with their heads to the side and their faces looking at each other. M would lift her head and shoulders up, dad would lift his head up and say "Oop!" with a smile, then she would put her head back down on the bed and he would put his head back down again. Then M started the game over again...M's head up, dad's head up "Oop!", M's head down, dad's head down. They did this on the video about 10 times. That's the first game I've seen her play. I was pretty incredible!

Usually, M "playing" is banging a baby spoon around or rolling back and forth from tummy to back grabbing at teething toys and cooing. That is adorable, of course, but this video was WAAAAY better! She knew what she was doing and she knew what her dad was doing. They were both all smiles and I can't thank my sister enough for getting the video and sharing it with everyone.

I LOVED IT! I think we're soon in for many games of Peek-a-Boo and many laughs and smiles.

Never to old to play, A.R.!

Thursday, September 13, 2018

You Call That Playing?

Dear Anonymous Reader,

Don't you just love how different people are? Don't you love that saying, "it takes all kinds"? It really does take all kinds. I mean, I have a friend who is a kindergarten teacher ( thanks), and another friend who supervises large projects with a multimillion dollar budget (nope), a sister who works in insurance (naw), and a brother-in-law who counsels the mentally unstable (nope, definitely not). Thank God they all want to do those jobs because I do not. I spent the last few years doing compliance work...(I'm sure that seemed sucky to them). I also got my degree in Human Resources; another thing I don't think many people are really excited about, but I actually like! LOL.

The same thing applies with what we like to do in our free time; our play time.

Base jumping - Hell no
Skiing - No
Reading a poem - Umm YES
Skydiving - Hell yes
Scrapbooking - Lord help
Writing a budget - Sign me up!!!

That's what I'm doing today with my accountability partner from my Financial Peace University program. We are getting together today (in just a few hours) to work on her budget!!! I'm so excited! She's totally not even as remotely excited as I am, but I think my enthusiasm is rubbing off because she is looking forward to the end result.

Working on a budget is actually fun for me. It's like my play time with numbers. I feel this way every two weeks when I get a paycheck. Yippee!!! Budget time!!!

Any A.R.s out there who think the same about budgets??? Bueller...Bueller...


Wednesday, September 12, 2018

The Universe is Playful...My Playground

Dear Anonymous Reader,

Yesterday I met my 30 year old cousin, named Marcus, for the first time. His family lives in Minnesota. The short story on that is my dad's dad had another family and they moved to Minnesota in the 70s and 20 years ago my mom started getting into genealogy and found my dad had a half sister and half brother in the Midwest. My aunt's name is Heidi and she is adorable and amazing. Her two sons are Alex and Marcus. I've met Heidi before, but never her sons. She flew out the other day to spend some time with Marcus and since he lives in CA, for now, they drove up to Auburn to see us. It was so awesome!

I was told Marcus might have been a little nervous to meet us because you never know with family! LOL! As soon as he stepped out of the car it was all big hugs and lots of talking, laughing, eating and genuine conversation. I loved every minute of meeting my new cousin and from what he said later, he loved meeting us too.

This morning Marcus showed me this YouTube video by Alan Watts about how the Universe is Playful. The video is just a few minutes and I really enjoyed hearing this new perspective about time and people and what we're "supposed" to be doing while we're here. We're in a gorgeous musical composition and some of us are missing the music.

SIDE NOTE about Marcus - He is like the sweetest soul you ever could meet. He looks like a cross between a hippy/yogi and an organic farmer, but I don't think he's any of those things. His energy is so positive and he has a smile that lights up the day! We all talked about energy and healing and the power of the body, meditation, and so much more. He has beautiful tats, has lived a very interesting life popping around the world, and is more centered than anyone I interact with in my daily life. It's been a pleasure to meet him.

So the video...the Universe is Playful...

YES! It is, right!?!? When I thought of "playful" I though of "playground". Two different meanings of course, but playfulness and playground synced with me once I sat down to write this.

Same as when one was on a playground as a child; time doesn't really exit, there are so many friends and activities around, energy is boundless, you might fall and get scratched, but you get back up again, there is so much joy around every corner, games, swings, laughter, screaming, and adventure. We all made friends on the playground. We all got hurt on the playground. We all threw caution to the wind to live in the moment. That's really the take away for me from the video...

LIVE IN THE MOMENT. The Universe has no beginning or end and I am energy moving through it. I want to be loving energy moving through the Universe, through life, through this playground that is reality! "Reality" isn't all about bills and least not my reality. My reality is about feeling love and feeling the music in the people I meet and the experiences I have.

What's your reality A.R.? What are you doing on your playground? How are you going to listen to the playful music of the Universe today?


Monday, September 10, 2018

Play Money

Dear Anonymous Reader,

Play not like in Monopoly. I'm talking about the money we set aside each month to just blow on whatever our hearts' desire. Play money, blow money, pocket change. For some this kind of money is spent on an occasional Starbucks treat or pair of shoes. For others it could be a quick trip to Vegas or a long weekend up the coast of California.

I coordinate a financial class called Financial Peace University. It's a program through Ramsey Solutions...aka...Dave Ramsey. He's an amazing and inspiring money expert who has spent the last 30 years teaching people how to "win with money" as he says. Dave Ramsey's teachings are what put me in the financial position I find myself in now. I am debt free, have a six month emergency fund, am investing in my retirement, and will have my condo paid off by 2021-2022. That's pretty amazing considering I bought in 2013 and started his practices in February of 2014. My fire for the program is why I was able to quit my job four months ago to press re-set on my career and my future. Financial peace...two words that don't commonly go together, but that I have right now...even without employment. :-)

I believe in the program so much, I wanted to be a coordinator. I have a class of six and we meet every Sunday for nine Sundays, watching Dave's teachings and working through his course. I can't even express how wonderful it has been to watch and be a part of the financial breakthroughs my class is having. Last night two members each cut up one of their credit cards! That's so impressive! No looming 26.9% APR on a zero-balance credit card they "hope" they never have to use in an emergency. Now, they both have an emergency fund for their emergencies. I'm so proud of them!

When I was starting, my play money, blow money, pocket money was $20 every two weeks. I was on a TIGHT budget, but I loved every second of it and every cent of it because I was working towards something. I was working towards my financial goals. No Starbucks drink was worth more than paying off my student loan. Over the years I would increase it to maybe $60 every two weeks, but if anything needed to be cut while I did my zero-based budget that $60 moved to $40 or $25 pretty quickly. though I'm unemployed...I budgeted $700 this month to just blow on whatever! That's huge, man!!! I decided to set aside the money to just see how much I actually would spend. As of right now, 10 days in, I have $565 left. I've bought a magazine, two theatre tickets, treated a friend to dinner, had coffee with a friend, and bought a pair of flip flops. Next I'm thinking about taking a little trip up Hwy 101 for a few nights, or maybe going to see a Shakespeare play in Ashland, Oregon.

I may not blow the whole thing, but I sure as hell plan to continue to have fun playing with my well deserved play money!!

Win with money, A.R.,

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Let's Play...If I Leave Right Now...

Dear Anonymous Reader,

Yesterday I played a lifelong-standing game of If I Leave Right Now and Drive Really Fast, Can I Make It To the Movies Before the Movie Starts Without Getting Impatient By Anything or Anyone Who Crosses My Path So I Still Feel Like I'm A Nice Person. I play that game and inevitably lose at least 50% of the time. I lose the part that counts the most really...the part about patience.

One thing I know about myself is that I am in love with my own timeline for whatever I'm doing. I mean...aren't we all, really. There are some people who really, honestly don't care and just go with the flow, but I'm not one of those people. Hence, impatience is something that rears its ugly head in my life. It's like this warm bundle of energy that explodes quickly to my chest and up into my shoulders, neck and jaw in a flash...and then it's gone. My outside face might flare a little nostril and roll the eyes, and give a sigh while my inside face, oh boy, my inside face is wide-eyed, red and usually screaming "Jesus Lord in heaven! Can't these people get it together already!? Hurry up and get out of my way and stop messing with my time!"

I realize this part of my personality is one of the least attractive things about me. I'm meditating on that. I actually have a mantra, seriously right now, that I'm saying every morning - I release my belief in time. I release my need for impatience. I am grateful God is the oneness I am. I'm such a work in progress.

So yesterday I played the If I Leave Right and this is how it went:
- Me on the couch, shoeless, pantless, braless laying down to maybe take a nap
- Me thinking I might want to see Peppermint today so maybe I shouldn't nap.
- What time is it? It's 1:32pm.
- What time is the movie? 1:50pm at the Blue Oaks Theatre.
- How far is it? It's 19.0 miles/23 minutes away.
- Ummmmmmmm……………..
- In the car...20 minute drive, 20 minutes of previews...I'll be fine.
- I want a snack for the movie. It's too expensive in there. Do I have time to stop? YES!!!
- In the store...quick, quick, quick...drink, Cheetos...DONE! Get in line!
- Old woman...buying milk and a newspaper. Can't understand the cashier's accent and he repeats himself three times. Pulls out her coin purse and fishes for change. Pays, gets change, stands there for 20 more seconds to put her stuff back in her purse. Poor thing knows there are two people behind her and she apologizes.
- Me (total ass) with my inside face "O-M-G lady! Let's go! He said $3.50!!!! Hurry up and get your milk and get the hell out of my way. My outside face smiles and says, "Oh it's okay, no worries".
- I pay fast and am literally out the door to my car as she sits down in her car.
- On the road...…………75...80...85...90 (but only 90 when I was passing someone annoying).
- Some jerk with a truck and a trailer with a four wheeler on it parked long way in this tiny parking lot with limited spots and took up 6 fucking spots. Are you kidding me!?!??!
- Park
- Walk fast in...oh good, no line!!!!! Woo hoo!!! NO LINE!!!!!!!!
- Three old ladies at the one cashier.
- Inside face "oh Jesus...more old ladies. These ones have canes."
- It's 2:07pm
- I pay with cash because I hate that they charge to do it on the kiosk so I wait. I'm the only person in line and I stand there...silently...for literally 10 minutes while the little old ladies get a refund, pick their 6 seats all together, split the bill so each person has to be run up and refunded and what the hell else they had to do. Coin purses and canes and organizing the sweaters they rested on the counter while forgetting whether or not they had a chip in their credit card because the machine was beeping at them.
- I'M UP! One for Peppermint, please. Thanks! Pay, walk to ticket collector passing the old ladies.
- Do I have time? IDK, but I am flustered and want a hot dog.
- Oh good, no line!!!!! Woo hoo!!! NO LINE!!!!!!
- One hot dog please. Nope, that's it, thanks.
- The slowest, dumbest looking girl ever is helping me. She is moving at a sloth pace because there is no line and she doesn't have to move quickly. It takes her about 4 minutes just to get me a hot dog from the counter behind her and slightly to the left. I had time to strike up a conversation with the other guy standing behind the counter who was organizing his wallet. We talked about the day and the popcorn seasoning he just bought.
- I get my dog, find my seat, and have missed the first few minutes of the movie so I'm putting ketchup and mustard (hopefully) on my hot dog evenly because I can't see a dang thing.
- The movie continues and it was good.

I completely lost the game of If I Leave Right Now and Drive Really Fast, Can I Make It To the Movies Before the Movie Starts Without Getting Impatient By Anything or Anyone Who Crosses My Path So I Still Feel Like I'm A Nice Person. I felt like a TERRIBLE person the whole time. I was annoyed and frustrated with these sweet, little old ladies who were just having a nice afternoon with their friends going to the movies. No one could see my inside face, of course, but if they could they would have been scared. To top it all off, when I sat down (obviously late), the single, middle aged lady next to me leaned over sweetly and said, "Don't worry, you didn't miss much. She just shot one guy off the roof and now she's here in her van."

The nice lady next to me really made me think about the not nice person that was in my head for the past 40 minutes. I don't really like that impatient me. I spend all this time meditating and trying to be a good person and for some reason, when it comes to the If I Leave Right Now game all that goes out the window and I lose.

I'd like to say I'll never play that game again, but who am I kidding...when I win it's such a fun game!

Don't forget your seatbelt, A.R.!

Friday, September 7, 2018

Camping + Play = Lots-o-Dirt

Dear Anonymous Reader,

Today I had coffee with one of my friends in this hip, local coffee house. It's my new favorite spot. We were catching up while she was trying to catch her crazy, active 2 year old son who was trying to keep himself entertained. He did a pretty good job. Only threw one toy train over the railing onto the street one story below. Haha...she kept saying, "you're lucky you're cute, kid." LOL.

So we talked about my lanyard a bit and about the challenge. I asked her my lanyard question, which is, "when is the last time you went swimming?" For them it was last weekend when they went camping and knee-boarding. This made me think of camping and playing.

For kids, play time while camping can be so difficult! Picture're a kid and you've got this enormous open space in all directions to literally just run or bike or yell or whatever, but then your parents start saying stuff like "inside voice" and, don't go past this tree or that post. The outdoors is essentially forbidden fruit. Then when you can play it's all in dirt. The kids don't care, of course, but the parents are like moping up mud and washing hands and faces and sweeping dirt so it doesn't get in the tent. And if you have a kid who doesn't like to get dirty, then a campsite isn't really that much fun. They'd rather be playing in the living room at home on the floor with ALL their toys, not just the six they were allowed to bring.

Camping playtime seems best suited for a day at the beach with the sand, the surf, maybe a boat and floaty toys. Somewhere away from the actual camp site. Then you tire out your kiddo and put them to bed early so you can open a beer and then start the adult play time.

Camping and adult play time is WAY better. It's cards, and board games, bullshitting with beers and maybe a short drinking game or two. My favorite camping memories were when I was old enough to sit through board games with a sandwich, a soda, and my Discman. I was old enough ride my bike away from the site for a bit, take little walks around the grounds and be aware of my surroundings. Then may family and I would cook together, roast marshmallows and play card games until late in the evening.

Point of the story...I'm impressed when people bring toddlers camping because that seems like a very confident parenting choice to make. Personally, nope...I'm not going to jump at the opportunity to take my toddler camping. It will probably happen though. I'll probably end up marrying Mr. Outdoors and the first thing he buys our kid will be a trekking pack and baby cargo pants. LOL!

I haven't been camping is such a long time! I love it too. Not with screaming toddlers, but I love being outside with a fire and the quiet outdoors. It's hard to coordinate a camping trip as a single. I could go off by myself, of course, but I'm just not that skilled in outdoor safety, fire building, tent propping, and bear guarding. The only thing I'd be really good at for protection would be blowing a rape whistle. Okay, I can build a fire too. Okay, actually yea, I could do the tent thing too. Hmm...maybe I'll look into a little two night camping trip this month. If I do, I'll keep you informed A.R.

Happy Friday!

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Don't Play with My Emotions

Dear Anonymous Reader,

As you know, I started this blog challenge because I was trying to find a way to avoid online dating and needed another reason to connect with people (quality men specifically) in person. This is a story of the last online suitor that put me over the edge...

We met online, his name was Chris (I think...oh my gosh...I already put him out of my memory). Chris was 33, I'm 37. He lived outside of Placerville, I'm in Auburn. We are both single and don't have any kids. He was attractive. For me, single, no kids, cute = let's see if there's a spark! We spoke on the phone for about an hour and it was pretty good. We met up a few days later for a cup of coffee and it was okay. He was very nice and interested, but I wasn't feeling too much magic. SIDE NOTE: For me "feeling magic" kinda just means, would I want to kiss this guy or not? If I can picture myself kissing him, and the conversation is good, then yes...some spark. I wasn't 100% sure I was sparking with him, but I wanted to give it one more date.

We went out to an improv comedy show in Rocklin. On the way there his car broke down and I picked him up and we spent about 30 minutes driving around town for a part he needed. Oh yes...this was after I literally PUSHED his car into a parking spot in the parking lot so it'd be safe (well me and a stranger I asked to help). So we drove around and it was fine and then we went to the show, then back to his car to call AAA and wait for an hour for them to show up. We spent that time talking and strolling around the parking lot. I wasn't feeling the spark. Why, do you ask? Why no spark. The man spent almost the entire night saying the same few things over and over and over and over and over and get it... and over again. "Aw gee, Kelly, you're so nice. You're like the nicest person." "Gosh Kelly, you're so nice and so pretty. Aw gee, thank you so much." "You're the best Kelly, gosh, thank you for standing here with me. You're so nice and pretty, gosh." "Hey good lookin', whatcha got cookin'." Keep in mind he was also saying those things three hours before while we were driving around before the show. I need a hell of a lot more substance than that. I tried to steer the convo to more interesting things, but it didn't get too far. That, and, he talked about his ex A LOT. Like, a lot, a lot. Too much. And she like yelled at him and hit him and took his money. was uncomfortable hearing all that. forward two days. I called him to tell him that I had a nice time getting to know him and that I think his is a great guy, but I'm not feeling a strong enough connection between us on my end. He was disappointed and we talked for about 20 minutes. I told him I respected him and his time and didn't want to ignore him or to lead him on. When I hung up I almost wanted to cry because he was such a nice guy. Not my kind of guy, but still really nice.

Two hours later...I get a text and it was like Mr. Nice Guy was replaced by Mr. Dick Head! He blasted me with text saying I'm a terrible person for leading him on and spending all this time just to manipulate him. I was just a mean girl who plays with peoples emotions and doesn't care about anyone else. He said he was pissed he spent all that time driving to Rocklin and that his car broke down and it was all for nothing because I was such a bad person.

I was shocked! WTF!? I wrote him back a very nice email saying I'm not that type of person and regardless of his perception of me I did enjoy meeting him and I wished him the best in his future. He wrote me back a scroll-worthy text restating everything he had said before and closed with, "well, I got back together with my ex-girlfriend anyway, so thanks for that. And I'd say it was nice to meet you and good luck, but after the way you treated me...nah."

What the hell!?!?!? I didn't respond and blocked his number. How did that flip? I HATE DATING!! When did dating become Decide Right Now And Get Married?

The thing that hit my heart for a moment was when he said I was a playing with his emotions. I know it's not true of me, but having someone say that to me sucked. I try not to lead people on when dating and it just comes across all wrong I guess. There's so much pressure. Pressure to be perfect on dates, to have someone like you, even when you don't really know if you like them back yet. It's just too much.

For all you married people out there...if it's rocky for you and you have fantasies of the dating world, I hate to BURST your bubble, but it's fucking terrible out here in Singledom. No one is running around with heels and dinner dates like an episode of "Sex and the City". I'd like to see an updated version of that show where online dating is the name of the game. It's hard. Be grateful for your mate. Go home right now and give them a big kiss and tell them one thing you just LOVE about their personality. Then kiss them again. Hopefully that turns into a romp in the sack because everyone feels better after that!

So long for now,

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Press Play

Dear Anonymous Reader, I should have put in an application to officially changed my name to Lazy Bones. Today I pressed PLAY on three different movies I had on DVR. In between the first and second (around 12pm) I decided to read for a spell in my very comfy bed, knowing all too well that I was going to fall asleep. And sleep I did...for three hours! It was an amazing nap!

My movie day:
"The Punisher"
"The Edge"

The play button on a remote can be such a powerful, little button. For young children, pressing play on their TV means they are probably about to watch their favorite cartoon movie. Right now, I have a friend whose daughter watches "Rio" every morning, and whose son begs for "Shrek" every night. The play button is the gateway to an imaginary world.

When we grow older and have more interests, pressing play to a video or documentary has the possibility to literally change the way we operate in our lives. When I first watched "The Secret", for example, I was completely amazed of the information coming into my consciousness and into my heart. My life wasn't the same. I opened up to a new world of energy and a better understanding of the incredible Law of Attraction.

I also remember watching a documentary about five people who were learning about veganism and the ins and outs of what that lifestyle actually means. I don't remember the name of the movie, but I didn't eat meat for like two months! I couldn't bring myself to think of the things I saw. I could have pressed STOP, but for some reason, when we press play on a thing it takes an awful lot to end the experience before its intended time.

What is that all about? It's like holding respect for something that isn't alive and doesn't even know I don't like it. Maybe it's this respect for the people who spent the time to make the song or movie. Maybe it's that. Then again...they'll never know I didn't like it either! I remember being with a group of people and they all wanted to watch freaking "Chainsaw Massacre"! Yea...I left that room pretty dang fast. The others stayed though...because someone pressed play and not enough people could bring themselves to stop the craziness that was that movie. Eek!

And I love that once we find things we really, really love, we'll listen to or watch them over and over again. Pressing play on my favorite movies and songs is like a drug! I'm so excited every time.

Some favs right now...
Music - Pink's entire "Beautiful Trauma" CD, Walker Hayes "You Broke Up With Me", and FGL "Confession"
Movies - "Last Holiday" and "The Core"

What are your favorite things to press PLAY on? Movie? Music?

Goodnight A.R.!

Monday, September 3, 2018

The Stage Play Came a Callin'

Dear Anonymous Reader,

A little fun fact about me...I have been in the performing arts throughout my life. As a kid it was dance, and fifth grade began my choir years. Junior high I started in the show-pop choir at school and I carried my love for singing and dancing into my high school years. Then, off to college and into their Chamber Choir. A decade later I joined a local community choir. Three years after that I dipped my toe into musical theatre for the very first time, landing a small role of a delivery boy named Arpad in the production "She Loves Me". The fact that my first role in musical theatre was as a boy was really quite hilarious as I am usually the most well-endowed woman in most given rooms. They put me in suspenders and knickers. Do you know how hard it is to keep suspenders in place over a G-cup?!?! Haha!

I fell for musical theatre, right then. It is ridiculously time consuming as an average, working professional, but the people and the performances make all the late nights worth it. Okay...I wasn't really feeling that much love when my alarm went off at 4:30am, but that's just what it was. local musical theatre career has been:
2010 - "She Loves Me"
2015 - "The Music Man"
2017 - "Annie"

What I really want to talk about today is a 10 year old girl I worked with in "Annie" named...wait for it...Clover. (Clover? Names are so weird now a days! I actually know children named Smile, Atlas, and the freakin' triangle!) Ok, Clover, despite her unusual name, was probably one of the most interesting, authentic, and charming children I've ever met. She was a total tomboy and had a spirit of authority and self-assurance like I've never seen. She wasn't bossy or snarky or rude, she was amazing. And it was a total honor to work with her.

About 3/4 of the way through rehearsals I had a conversation with Clover about a prop we had to share and then transfer together on stage and when we were done my eyes were opened to just how AMAZING musical theatre is for children. Here we were, a 36 year old woman and a 10 year old girl discussing the proper time for prop placement/transfer and it was all initiated and coordinated by Clover. She new her responsibility, she knew the scene, she knew what I was doing and what she needed to do and was 100% confident in her abilities to make the situation successful.

In what other world does a child and an adult have such conversations. I was not speaking with her as a child, I was speaking with her as an equal and a partner. Clover, and all the children who were in the "Annie" play, were seen as equal performers. They learned their lines, cues, dance routines, costumes, timing, sets and props, and most of all were legitimately listened to when speaking with adults because their input was productive and responsible. I wasn't working with a bunch of little kids in that performance, I was working with young professionals and it was inspiring.

Clover became my favorite person to work with during that production and I hope I get the opportunity to work with her again. She is a smart and energetic young girl and I know she'll go far in whatever she puts her mind to.

So, A.R., if you have children or grandchildren, I highly suggest you see if they are interested in the performing arts. It's a way for the child/adult relationship to be supported on equal ground and encourage self-esteem and responsibility. And also sooo much fun!!!! Those kids got to see 30 adults dancing, singing, laughing, joking, and generally have a good time! No one was nagging or criticizing. I was play time for all of us. An amazing experience!


Sunday, September 2, 2018

Anti-Play Day

Dear Anonymous Reader,

Look...I've got 37 minutes left of the day and I've been racking my brain about what I want to write about PLAY today. Truth is, today was like an anti-play day. In my newly made-up term I've decided that the term "play" in general is something that inspires a lot of smiling and laughing and joy. Well, when a day falls short of any of that and moves the needle back on the "play scale" the term anti-play is the only thing that makes sense.

Quick background about my life right now...I quit my job three months ago because I was having WAY too many bad days. Not bad, like I was angry or mistreated, but bad as in stifled and stressed with anxious undercurrents. So I quit. I quit and have been having SO MANY play days since. I've slept in, read books, gone to the river, to the pool, out with friends, naps (so many naps), and anything else that came to mind. I have been in a state of "playing hooky" and loving it.

There have been a few days when I didn't have entire control of my schedule and I've got to say I'm a little raw at the feeling of disappointment in my day. Really, I think I'm just complaining more than I should because I was hot all day (and I hate being hot) and my feet are swollen and tight! That's it really...I was physically uncomfortable in my pits and my kicks. LOL

I still have 13 minutes left of today...maybe I'll do a foot soak before bedtime and give my feet some bathtime/playtime of their own. :-)

This anti-play thing can always be turned around and a smile put in its place.

Goodnight A.R.!
~ Kel

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Play Day Number One

Dear Anonymous Reader,
So my word this month: PLAY. This blog is going to be considering "play" in its many contexts. Some things that came to mind to explore:
Play an instrument
Role play
Play hooky
Phrases like – “playing around”, “don’t’ play with my emotions”, “he got played”, “you’ve got to pay to play”, “playing for keeps”, “don’t try to play me”, “that’s child’s play”, etc.
I’m not really sure where each day is going to take me, so it looks like this will be a spontaneous adventure.
Today was the first day with the lanyard…no one out in the world of strangers noticed. I went to the gym, bought gas, to the grocery store, then to a small dinner party with mostly strangers. I wasn’t totally expecting people to stop me to talk about it, but maybe I was a little bit. I was surprised that before I exited my car at each errand I felt a little NERDY! LOL. Like…what the heck is this lanyard doing on my outfit!?! It’s Saturday night, dude! That’s okay though, this is called a challenge for a reason. It’s out of the norm and so feeling a little abnormal at times is to be expected.
When I got to my parent’s house, my sister, her hub, and their new baby were all sitting around the kitchen table doing what?...You guessed it…Playing cards. 😊 Haha…of course. Playing cards has always been big in my family and I absolutely LOVE that about us! We play games all the time and have fun and laugh every time. Okay, accept when my sister is feeling particularly testy and we go overboard with the teasing. Other than that though I love this quality about our family. Mostly we play Gin, or Rummy, Solitaire, or Sevens, Hearts, or some game I can never remember the name of, but really like.  Do other families do this? Do other families sit around and play cards and Jenga and Cranium? I sure hope so. We watch our share of TV just like the rest of the world, but we also have a blast playing games together when we are together. I wonder what my brother-in-law thinks about it all. He has no choice now…he’s our captive and in it for life. I know my ex-boyfriends always enjoyed dinner at my folks’ house because it meant lots of food, beer margaritas, endless talking and laughing, and fun games, followed by tea and some sweet treats to snack on…and then complain about because of how full we all are from dinner. We’re Italian so there is ALWAYS too much delicious food.
If you haven’t picked up a deck of playing cards in a while, dear Anonymous Reader, maybe you might want to try it. It gets the kids away from the phones, the TV, and the tablets. Looking into the eyes of loved ones and enjoying playful and sassy moments together are priceless. They’ve been priceless to me anyway. Come to think of it, I remember playing these card game with my great, great grandparents as well. I guess we really are a generational family of card players. Side Note: I used to play Memory with my great grandma and I remember thinking I was all smart and stuff, but really, she was in the early stages of Alzheimer’s (unbeknownst to me) and I kept razzing her about how good I was and asking her why she was so bad at the game. OMG! I find that really funny, but also really sad. I was taking advantage of a sweet, little old lady. She was the best. We never got tired of doing puzzles together either. Yup…a generational family of game players. 😊
That’s it for traveling down memory lane tonight… ;-).
PS – Another game we play as a family (without beer though) is called Thumper. Pull it up on YouTube ( next time you have a dinner party, or a college drinking party, and get ready to crack up!!! Beware of the belly aches from laughing too hard. Even the driest of people can’t help but laugh by the third or fourth round. AND…you can also play by replacing a gesture with a noise…that gets really funny, really fast!

A Heroine’s Journey

I put lipstick on this morning.  I get in my car, buckled my seatbelt, and apply a pretty shade of Perfectly Pink in preparation for an eigh...