Saturday, September 11, 2021

A Heroine’s Journey

I put lipstick on this morning. 

I get in my car, buckled my seatbelt, and apply a pretty shade of Perfectly Pink in preparation for an eight-hour drive from Grass Valley, California to Twin Falls, Idaho. Perfectly Pink is for me. I’m driving for me. Working my way to Wilmington, North Carolina. 

Why you ask? 

Simply put...I’m on a mission to answer my unanswered questions.

Let me ask you this. When you hear the words "heroine's journey", what comes to mind? 

Possibly a woman who’s been unlucky in love. Depressed or beaten down by life? Is she distraught and running away? 

When I say "heroine's journey", is a woman crying alone in her car? Does she find a sleepy, little town that soon becomes her oasis because she has finally found a man who makes her feel whole? 

Well…that's a heroine on the Hallmark Channel.

However, this is not that channel! You’re currently tuned to the Badass Women Channel. 

Yes, we cry, and love, and need, and want things…But we’re never half of a person. We’re never half of ourselves.

And this is where I am. This is where I meet you. Where you meet me. Where I’ve always been and where I’ll always be. This is where I continue my heroine's journey.

I have been extremely lucky in love and lucky in life. Opportunities in education, career, travel, exploration. Family ties that go far beyond anything I could ever hope for. Friendships, true friends who have pierced my soul. Lovers who adored me and treated me like every woman deserves to be treated. 

A life of gratitude. A life filled with all the things any parent hopes for their child.

And while all this is true, what can also be true, what can exist in the same space and time of this beautiful life of mine, are unanswered questions. 

Questions about my creativity, my entrepreneurial aspirations. Things in my heart that have yet to be expressed. The butterflies that keep me up at night…Typing…Creating...Smiling...Gitty.

So, in honor of those butterflies, in honor of this wild, adventurous spirit of mine, I’m on my way across the country to figure it out. To delete all appointments and events on my calendar and open up my day, fully, to possibility. 

I have absolutely no idea what this venture is going to hold! Isn’t that exciting?! To have no idea.

This is my ploy. My gift to me. 

To stop, for just a little while, thinking and planning for anything other than the act of exploring my continued greatness. A greatness that lives in every woman reading with me right now.

My, my, what a journey. A true heroine's journey. Filled to the brim with love and support, adventure and curiosity, passion, and overwhelming soulful fulfillment. 

I’m so glad you’re here with me!

Now, let’s do this! Lipstick and all. :-)

My Eyes Are Open

Photo by Fleur Kaan on Unsplash

To those of you trying to suppress,
oppress us;
My eyes are open.
To the ones leading us, herding us,
like sheep, like cattle, sudated broken things;
My eyes are open.
To those promoting uniform,
forcing us to conform,
to comply or be cast aside,
without society
My eyes are open.

My eyes are open
and they’re looking at you.
Open and finding a way through,
a way to stay true 
to humanity;
What it means to be human
to be life expressed.

My eyes are open
and they’re searching for the groups,
like-minded, free-thinkers, standing up,
opposing oppression,
fighting back.
We will not hand over our lives, our free will
to those of you who think humankind is too many.
Too many people, too many ideas, too many voices.

And when I look upon my group, my tribe, my hope,
standing before me, standing tall and strong,
standing for our right to live, to choose, 
our right to pursue happiness,
it won’t just be my eyes looking at you.
It will be my eyes,
and millions,
and millions,
and millions,
and millions,
of my people. 
The people.
We, the people.
All watching, all acting,
protecting ourselves,
protecting our children,
protecting our future,
Forcing you out of your holes, your dens, 
your secret meeting rooms.
Away from your immoral and unethical laboratories.
We are not your laboratory.

Now hear this…
You will not be without accountability.
You will not prevail.

Our eyes are WIDE open.
And we, the people, are staring…

A Heroine’s Journey

I put lipstick on this morning.  I get in my car, buckled my seatbelt, and apply a pretty shade of Perfectly Pink in preparation for an eigh...