Friday, September 21, 2018

Tonight's Playbill: "You Can't Take It With You"

Dear Anonymous Reader,

At the beginning of the month I purchased two tickets for the play, "You Can't Take It With You". It is being performed in the little town of Nevada City at the Nevada Theatre. I haven't been to Nevada City in in years and it's only 40 minutes from my house. I think it's so odd (yet totally normal) that we don't go to great places so near our homes. In the past 2 years I can practically list all the typical stores I go to...maybe 50 in all. It's time for me to venture more on the weekends! CA is wonderful for day trips to a new scene. Almost anything you want is only 4 hours away, at the most.

Okay, so the play! It was so much fun! I treated one of my girlfriends to the play and we went to dinner beforehand for some Chinese food. It's been a while since I've had that! So yummy. My friend was so sweet and treated me to dinner.

"You Can't Take It With You" is a drama about enjoying life, enjoying the work we do every day to make a living and to be happy and stress-free. Stressful jobs we don't enjoy, but make us a lot of money, are not worth it in the long run because we live a life of unhappiness and ultimately, when you can't take it with you. The "it" being the cars, money, house, etc. I'd venture to say you may not even take one's memories to the other side. Who knows. All we can do is live a life of joy and love every day and as much of it as possible. Be with people and do the things that bring a smile to our faces.

One stuffy, old man who worked on Wall Street (who had an ulcer and was uptight all the time) made an argument that yes, it sounds nice to quit our jobs and do the things we like, but what if everyone did that?? Who would run Wall Street? The response was that there ARE people who do actually LIKE the Wall Street stuff! Those people don't get ulcers because they like what they do. There is always someone out there who likes the things others don't.

This theme goes back to my other post, funny enough. This play IS MY LIFE RIGHT NOW! It's crazy. I was working every day, unhappy, anxious, sore back and neck and lethargic. The second I put my two week's notice in all that disappeared. I am now on the path of looking for the career that makes me happy and a full life that brings me joy! Going to plays and dinner with my friends is one of those things and I'm so grateful for it. I'm so grateful for this life. :-)

Get out there and support your local theatre, A.R.!


  1. Good for you, Kelly! Way to set an example. If there were more happy people in the world then maybe there would be a little less road rage. :-) There's also an amazing retreat center in Nevada City as well. Might be another fun thing to check out...

  2. Amen - glad you are enjoying your life!!


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