I'm going to throw a lot of pictures your way on this one with some captions. Here's what my day looked like though:
10:15am - Meditation at Center for Spiritual Living Nashville
10:45am - Church
1:15pm - Visit Ramsey Solutions building
2:00pm - Barista Parlor downtown Nashville
3:00pm - Relax in park across the river from downtown Broadway and close my eyes in the sun
3:45pm - Luke Bryan bar downtown Nashville
7:00pm - The 5 Spot for soul music Sundays
9:00pm - Return to the quiet house
This one is to be finished later...no pictures right now...I'm tired and ready for my squeaky bed. I'm visiting the Ramsey Studio tomorrow!!!!!!!!! Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok I'm back...here are the pics in order above...ish.
Music was AMAZING! Of course. The sermon was about finding your gift, developing it, and sharing it with the world. |
I'm here! Four years ago I started listening to this program and haven't looked back. This is a Sunday drive by. |
Employee back entrance...maybe for me one day?!?!? Who knows....I do look good there though! LOL |
Made it to downtown Nashville - Broadway Street! I turned the corner and the roar of music and laughter literally filled the air all around! One street over I didn't hear anything, then I turn the corner and BOOM! It was intoxicating! |
The is downtown Broadway Street from across the river where I took a little rest on a park lawn. I could hear the roar of the people from across the river as clear as a bell. Middle of the day and people are going nuts! |
Finally time for some lunch downtown into the chaos! Luke Bryan's restaurant was the second sign I saw for food and drinks and I jumped on it. The live music was great. The dude on the left was CRAZY talented! I could've listened to him all day. |
I'm smiling because I finally ate. LOL. It was 3:00pm and I hadn't had breakfast! |
Finished up the evening at a place called The 5 Spot. Tonight they were doing their Soul Music Sunday and had A. Rose and her band playing. They were also amazing! She is a STAR for sure. The pianist looked to be about 18 years old, but he rocked the hell out of the keys and I could have listened to a concert with just him. I talked to him after and he said he's trying to make it in Nashville, but spots are hard to come by so he's moving to L.A. Good luck Bud! |
After all my adventures of the day I was exhausted. I was able to FaceTime with my beautiful sister for a bit and that made me really happy. She showed me sleeping Morgan and it took all my energy not to yell out, "Hi Momo!!!! It's Auntie!!!" I love being Auntie. :-) I might end up being Auntie Kelly, but I'm digging Auntie just fine.
Good night y'all!
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