Saturday, October 20, 2018

RT - Day 6 (My Day in Boulder)

Good evening!

As promised...a picture of the hot tub and the Rockies. What a way to start the day!

Joy and I cruised around downtown Boulder today. We were out and about for seven hours, which is a full and busy day for a 90 year old! It was fun. Talking with Joy is so easy. We ate lunch at a hipster café called Tangerine. I had an overpriced breakfast sandwich. Hey...not all my meals can be OMG worthy!

Then we went to downtown Boulder in their outdoor shopping center with store after store of artsy and crafty things. Neither of us are big shoppers so we went to the few places that looked interesting and then booked it out of the crowds. My perfect shopping buddy...someone who doesn't really like to shop. :-)

I saw and ad for "A Star Is Born" and asked Joy if she liked movies. Apparently Joy hasn't been to a movie theatre in years and LOVES going to the show. So we went and I LOVED the movie! The music was so fantastic. I'm definitely buying the soundtrack to that puppy. If you haven't seen it yet and you enjoy music and dramas and love stories I suggest you go. Oh yea...we had an hour to kill beforehand so we knocked back a beer in the courtyard bar for a bit. Another cute bartender. LOL! I swear...I've had more alcohol on this trip then I've had in ages! I'm drinking like a beer or two a day! That's a lot for me. I get even more verbally inappropriate and frisky when I've had a little too much.

Suzie made tacos back at home and then we chilled out and watched the classic, "Hocus Pocus". Love that movie!

Boulder was cute and I enjoyed the downtown area. I heard Boulder was more beautiful than Denver and I've built up Denver to be amazingly gorgeous in my mind. All the pictures of the surrounding mountains fill my head. I think I need to get more of a feel for Denver and the surrounding areas to see if this might be a place of future opportunity for me. So far it's more of a grid-city than I was expecting. We'll see how the rest of the time plays out.

I'm loving staying in a place that feels homey. I'm off to bed in my cool Colorado room where I leave the window open all night to have the breeze. You all know how I feel about circulating air! Gotta have it!

Sleep tight!!

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