Thursday, November 1, 2018

RT - Day 18 (I Met Dave Ramsey)


I shared my pic with Dave and mom asked, "Is that a cardboard cut out?" Hahahaha!! Pammy!!!

It was so much fun watching the radio show under way today. Seeing his faces while he talked to callers was hilarious. One guy called in and said that he was out of debt for a while, taught two FPU classes, but then he and his wife needed a new car and then the lawn mower, and kids braces. LOL! He spent over $2500 on the lawn mower and Dave's face was hilarious!!! We were all laughing in the studio. He was like, "I'm sorry, what? You spent what on a freakin' lawn mower? I just can't get over that! You taught the classes! Y'all need to stop being stupid and just get back to work on this!"

Once I left I dilly dallied around Franklin, Tennessee, just a little south of Brentwood, and thought it was an adorable little downtown. The kind you get lost in with all the little shops. Very cute.

Then I drove north to what is now one of the stores I wish I could relocate to wherever I am. It's called McKays…..and it's the most AMAZING used book store you ever did see!!

You guys...…..OMG!!! They had EVERYTHING! ORGANIZED! Books, audio books, DVDs, kids sections, classic board games, video games, a big box full of miscellaneous Legos, electronics, and the entire top catwalk overlooking the store was wall to wall CDs. All organized, all clean, and all reasonably priced for new and used stuff. AMAZING! I spent 45 minutes in here without knowing what hit me. It was awesome.

The last part of my day ended kinda yucky...I was in traffic for almost three hours just getting through downtown Nashville and back south to Brentwood. I did want to experience what rush hour Nashville traffic was like so I guess I was askin' for it. :-) My butt hates me right now.

This is my last night in the Curry House. Bye-bye curry! I won't miss you.


Almost forgot...I saw a truck (okay I saw the truck and followed it around the parking lot) that I would like to buy for my brother-in-law and ship home to him. I think he'd dig it...

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