need to see this! Here are some pics and a video. The place just kept going and going and going! Every time I turned a corner there was more stuff. This is like Disneyland for the HDTV fans. Forget Mickey...they have shiplap and hip food trucks. :-)
The Silo Bakery...line around the corner. I waited about 25 minutes to get inside. Good thing it wasn't raining! |
Inside the bakery...obviously. LOL |
The cupcakes...YES! I got a Pumpkin Spice Seasonal Cupcake and it was delicious. |
A place to sit outside and eat said delicious cupcake while looking at the store and people watching. Trying to keep the birds away from your table. |
Second floor of inside the store. Funny thing is, they had A LOT of the same things, just in different places throughout the store. I think that's genius! |
The infamous Magnolia Silos. Great place for a concert or wedding. |
Just when I thought it was over I happened to turn around and see this beautifully manicured garden with flowers and vegetables and all done in the Gaines' style. Totally outdoor chic. Beautiful |
And then I drove to Austin, through more terrible Texas traffic and got to spend some time with my cousin, Nic. We jive and conversation is so easy. I am so glad for our time to connect.
Although...he did get a new puppy and I was on pee and poop duty during the day by default. Note to not get a puppy. Cats are better. LOL
Explore Austin tomorrow if my knee feels better. FYI - I was squatting and shifting too much with the whole pee and poop thing and I twisted my damn knee. I'M OLD!!!!!! AHHHH!!!!
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